Animation Works is an easy to use, path based animation program for combining graphics, text, and sound into colorful high impact "movies." This powerful animation program makes it easy to create exciting animations, winning presentations, and enlightening demonstrations.
Whatever your needs, from education, business, and training, to storyboards, video titling/effects, and entertainment, Animation Works gives you the edge you need to stand out from the crowd.
With Animation Works' path based animation, creating dynamic presentations and animated movies is as easy as drawing a line. Our intuitive interface means you'll be adding sounds, animating titles, and using professional wipes while others are still reading manuals. And a complete set of XCMDs let you control your movies from within HyperCard 1.2.5® or greater.
Whatever you want to say, demonstrate, or create, Animation Works will help you do it better. And easier. Isn't that why you bought your Macintosh?
Animation Works runs on the full Macintosh line, form the Classic to the Mac IIfx. And Animation Works is surprisingly affordable.